Revolutionary Breakthrough: Alzheimer's Patients

a combination of metabolic activators (cma) was shown to lead to a whopping 29% improvement in the cognitive abilities of alzheimer's disease patients! this is a significant breakthrough in the field and i can't wait to share all the details with you. in this short podcast episode as someone who is dedicated to exploring new and innovative solutions for improving cognitive health double-blind i dive into the recent clinical trial that explored the effects of cma on alzheimer's patients. you'll learn all about the specific combination of supplements that were taken and the protocols followed. i also discuss the results of the randomized i have some exciting news to share with you today. in a recent human study neuro athletes Feb 12, 2023
Neuro Athletics
Revolutionary Breakthrough: Alzheimer's Patients

Neuro Athletes, 

As someone who is dedicated to exploring new and innovative solutions for improving cognitive health, I have some exciting news to share with you today.

In a recent human study, a combination of metabolic activators (CMA) was shown to lead to a whopping 29% improvement in the cognitive abilities of Alzheimer's disease patients! This is a significant breakthrough in the field and I can't wait to share all the details with you.

In this short podcast episode, I dive into the recent clinical trial that explored the effects of CMA on Alzheimer's patients.

You'll learn all about the specific combination of supplements that were taken and the protocols followed.

I also discuss the results of the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 trial and how they show the incredible impact that CMA can have on cognitive abilities.

If you or someone you know is struggling with Alzheimer's disease, then this episode is a must-listen.

The information shared in this episode has the potential to positively impact the lives of so many individuals and families affected by this condition.

So, grab your headphones and listen to the episode now to learn more.

I'm confident that you'll find the information both fascinating and incredibly valuable.

You can also listen to it on Spotify or iTunes 👇


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